Davy Crockett pre-Disney
19 February 2017
And Disney's outings are vastly superior, they might not be masterpieces but they are better made, looking like more effort was put into them, and more memorable. 'Davy Crockett, Indian Scout' is watchable for curiosity's sake but is the sort of one sees once and easily forgets about after.

There are a few good things about 'Davy Crockett, Indian Scout'. The photography is quite nice, the black and white looks good and crisp and it is the only thing about the production values that looks like effort was put into it. George Montgomery has a ruggedly handsome charm and commands the screen admirably enough. The climactic Indian attack is very well done, with some rousing tension, as well as the build-up, the most exciting 'Davy Crockett, Indian Scout' ever comes close to getting.

However, the rest of the production values don't really impress. The costume and production design lack any kind of authenticity and instead look like cheap recycling. The edited stock footage from 'Kit Carson' is far from inspired and actually feels lazy. The music score rarely rises above okay and lacks the rousing or memorability factors.

Everything about 'Davy Crockett, Indian Scout' feels tired. The script is of the "just there at best" kind, with the worst parts clunking badly and any important information is treated in throwaway style. The story shines in the climactic moments but mostly limps along routinely (with the odd far-fetched moment), with most of the action being run-of-the-mill, the conflict being at best anaemic and the direction lacking any kind of distinction.

Montgomery aside, the acting is not much to write home about. A lot of people are going to feel cheated too, due to the title misleading those to think it's about the hero himself when it isn't but a relative with not as striking a personality.

In summary, watchable for curiosity's sake but pales hugely in comparison to the later Disney Davy Crockett films. 3/10 Bethany Cox
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