Johnnie and Alice. So adorable.
22 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers. Observations. Opinions.

Johnnie and Alice. I saw this in elementary school. I didn't see it on a black and white TV. I saw this in full color, probably in the school auditorium where we had a stage and saw patriotic documentaries, etc., on a large screen.

This show is just so adorable. I had not seen it in all of these years. It is cry-worthy, and in a good way.

I am giving it really a 20 out of 10, it is so sweet. I remembered the song all this time, and it is really heartwarming to see it again.

Johnnie and Alice just excellent. The part about the baby bonnets is so wonderful. This was in Johnnie's imagination about the future.

Funniest thing. A lot is over a child's head. Now I realize that the hats were never going to get married, yet Johnnie imagined that they were going to have twin boy and girl baby hats. Maybe there would have been a priest's hat performing the wedding ceremony.

Just think of all the bridesmaid hats coming down the aisle before Alice.

Ah, but this was not to be. Johnnie and Alice could co-mingle in the stable near the barn where the ice wagon was kept, without benefit of clergy. The baby hats were never to be. Perhaps there will be a sequel Johnnie and Alice II version made in some future parallel universe.

Johnnie the hat was adorable, and Alice the bonnet was just exquisite. Those were two lucky ice horses.

A 1946 film. The animation drawing reminds one of 1950 Disney Cinderella, with the long dress fashions of I would imagine 1900. Alice's patron has the tiniest waist, as she steps into the carriage to go home.

I liked the men's dressy outfit later on in the window of the department store.

I am very happy that I finally got to see this again. It is priceless, and the beautiful memory definitely is a tear-jerker.

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