Review of Dirt

Dirt (2001)
Dummies can be charming as this funny but slight film attests
16 March 2017
Junior (Michael Covert) and Scooter (Tracy Fraim) are dimwit brothers in West Texas. Their father was a meanie, but he died long ago, and Mama took good care of her boys. Now adults, the siblings have just buried Ma out in the desert near their home. Who is going to mother them now? These intellectual midgets don't hold jobs and have never cooked or cleaned. So, what's the solution? First, the duo tries picking up a hooker (Jennifer Tilly) who assures them she will take care of them. After the money exchange, Ms Hook slips out the bathroom window. Junior and Scooter are miffed. On the next go- round, the brothers try kidnapping a lovely grocery clerk, DeDe (Tara Chocol) with mixed results. At first, she's terrified of course, but she's been looking for a way to leave her abusive sheriff hubby, Vincent (Patrick Warburton). So, she will agree to be a housemaid for them if the sibs will help rescue her darling baby from Vince's clutches. They do. Now, the oddest family is sticking together in their remote home. But, more complications arise as the wife beating sheriff is hot on their trail and a sweet-but-stupid bank clerk, Margaret, falls for Scooter. Out in the lovely but harshly barren West Texas landscape there is turmoil! Perhaps the title is a giveaway, ha, for a less than highbrow movie but dummies can be charming and fun. All the players here, not well known, are talented and funny. Likewise, the desert setting is intriguing and lovely while the costumes, script, and lively direction are made to measure. No, folks down in Texas may not like the depiction of dimwits in their great state but if they are smart, they will laugh along with the rest of the movie audience.
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