Another 'behind the scenes' promotional film for MGM
21 April 2017
Among the earliest Technicolor films using the Three-Color process are a set of promotional films made in the mid-1930s. They all supposedly show the stars in their off hours hanging out at a nightclub sort of setting...during which various adequate acts entertain.

In this one, Chester Morris is the emcee and he introduces the acts and points out the movie stars. A few of the stars hanging out on this beachfront nightclub DURING THE DAY is Mickey Rooney, Errol Flynn, Leon Errol, Cary Grant and Randolph Scott*. Most of the acts aren't very good, but their rendition of "We're in the Money" is very catchy. The theme is pirates and the acts mostly sport Hollywood versions of pirate costumes.

This is the sort of film that would appeal to folks who adore old Hollywood. Otherwise, it will be tough going as the film does come off as very staged and silly.
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