The ambition is there, but the talent isn't and the result is a product with extremely weak execution and production values
1 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Where Are You Going, Habibi?" is a most recent work by director Tor Iben and he is also one of the writers here. The fact that this movie has four writers and still turned out such a massive failure is ridiculous. Luckily for the audience, it only runs for 76 minutes and this already includes almost 10 minutes end credits, so the film is really just over an hour long. And even at this duration it felt completely lacking focus and it has nothing meaningful to say. Instead it tries to convince us that there is still so much discrimination here in Germany against gays and non-Germans, which is not really true as the vast majority of Germans, even older generations, does not really have prejudice anymore. I can of course not talk about other cultures, but I can say that the way they included the coming-out to his family was pretty baity and cringeworthy instead of really interesting or touching. Talk about rushed in. Anyway, this is not the center of the action here at least. But the center, namely the relationship between two men isn't any better either. It probably would have helped if Cel Alkan had any acting experience before that and his co-lead Martin Walde is only slightly better as the likes of "Lindenstraße" are nothing that turns you into a quality performer. Anyway, the movie tried to be really relevant and impactful, but it comes short in both departments and the oh so memorable scenes felt as cheap and uninspired as the rest of it all, like taken from a school stage play. I am talking about the job interview here, but also about the coming-out I mentioned earlier and also about the way they meet for the first time or the way one character gets beaten up for example. There are quite a few examples here. You will recognize them when you see them. But better don't see them at all as this movie is a definite contender for Iben's weakest and this is quite an "achievement" as other stuff I have seen from his is pretty bad as well. Let me recommend you to watch something else instead.
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