Review of Kill Switch

Kill Switch (I) (2017)
19 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
They are very minor spoilers below, beware.

Almost everything about this movie is top notch despite the fact that it was never released theatrically and there are no well known actors aside from Dan Stevens who plays the protagonist. The CGI is extremely beautiful and realistic and this includes the portrayal of the future along with futuristic guns, drones, computer displays and other things. I also appreciated the science in the movie.

But "almost" is a key word here. There's one department where this movie is solely missing, and it's the script. I'm perfectly content with constant flashes back into the past as they are not really distracting.

The problem is that characters are not sufficiently developed and we've never given a chance to root for them. The protagonist is meant to be a great scientist and a pilot at the same time, but none is proved. The motivation of the protagonist could have been so much better and close to our hearts but we were never properly briefed about his past.

You cannot help but wonder why the protagonist is looking after his sister and her child - their situation and the fact that they are live together are never explained. The child mental illness is also never being delved into. Certain parts of the movie were too long while others were cut.

There's one thing you cannot help but notice: the drones throughout the movie are very bad at aiming and shooting at people and this was another very big disappointment.

Anyways, if you crave for fresh ideas in sci-fi and you're not averse to some plot problems, then you might watch this movie. Just don't set your expectation high. At the same time this movie is a lot better than most "sci-fi" flicks released by DC Comics and Marvel.

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