The Tree of Knowledge?
16 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** Insane movie about a killer tree known as "The Tabanga" played by Chester Hayes-the guy who played the Chicago Cub catcher in the "Babe Ruth Story"-that takes revenge against all those who were responsible for the murder of the native chief and his son Kimo,Gregg Palmer. It's Kimo who was framed for his father's murder by new chief Maranka, Baynes Barron, and his witch doctor partner in crime Tano,Robert Swan, together with his unfaithful wife Korey, Suzanne Ridgeway, who was having and affair with , behind Kimo's back, Chief Maranka. After being executed by chief Maranka's men Kimo was buried feet first in the local native cemetery cased in a hollowed out tree stump that in time fused with his body to become the vengeful and deadly "Tabanga".

There's also the fact that a number of nuclear tests were conducted around the south sea island, where the story takes place,of Kalay that may well have given the dead as a door nail "Tabanga" a new leaf or leaves on life. There's also handsome white witch, as he's known by the local natives,doctor William Arnold, Tod Andrews, and his partner Prof. Clark, John MacNamara, whom both chief Maranka and Tano want out of the way, by having them killed, in them taking away their business by curing the infected, from radiation, natives from the nuclear explosions.

***SPOILERS*** The "Tabanga" guided by the dead Kimo ends up killing all those that did Kimo in but when he goes after Doc. Terry-No relation to Perry-Mason, Tina Carver,who in fact save it from ending up as chopped fire wood the tables-Wooden or otherwise- suddenly turned on it. Grabbing Terry and taking her to the local quicksand pit to bury her alive the "Tabanga" ends up getting shot to pieces, by the entire movie cast, before it could dump Terry into the watery slime. Unbelively bad but at the same time entertaining movie that is to take place on a south sea island with the uncivilized and backwards natives there speaking both perfect English with what sounded like heavy Bronx New York accents.
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