Lamest-of-the-lame British sex comedy
4 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
WHAT'S UP SUPERDOC! is another lame sex comedy from '70s British exploitation director Derek Ford. It's an unconnected sequel to WHAT'S UP NURSE!, featuring a man who turns out to have fathered hundreds of kids and who finds himself pursued by dozens of beautiful women as a result. It's a near-plot less affair that comes across as a rip-off of CONFESSIONS OF THE WINDOW CLEANER and its ilk, and what story does exist is completely nonsensical.

The worst thing about this, though, is the humour, which is consistently unfunny. If you like seeing 'name' stars dragging their reputations through the mud then this might be the film for you. Where else can you see Bill Pertwee playing a Texan (with the worst accent ever?) or Harry H. Corbett constantly mugging? Hughie Green shows up to play himself and Melvyn Hayes is pure annoyance. There's a lot of nudity, of course, and even Mary Millington shows up at one point, but WHAT's UP SUPERDOC! is a film that seems guaranteed to test the patience of even the most forgiving of viewers.
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