This precode doesn't run much of a temperature...
11 July 2017
... and that's odd because this is half of a Warner Archive precode collection double feature DVD. Still I think it is worth your while because of the unusual storyline.

A woman (Bebe Daniels as Sylvia Benton) is married to a man of means who is also a mean drunk (Gordon Westcott as Jim), let's him drive them home in that condition (bad idea), and tells him she plans to divorce him while he is at the wheel (worse idea). He laughs maniacally as she asks him to slow down, and he crashes their car with his reckless driving. The last thing we see of them together is Sylvia unhurt dragging Jim from the car.

Next scene is Sylvia applying for a job as an R.N., claiming she is single. She said she was an R.N. earlier in the film, but she could have been lying about that too, because apparently nursing in 1934 is all about washing dishes by hand, gossiping about the men in their lives, and smoking heavily - in the hospital! Other than taking temperatures I see very little medicine involved with these nurses, unless Sylvia being chased by a pair of doctors, John Halliday as Dr. Hedwig and Lyle Talbot as Dr. Connolly, counts.

So what happened to Sylvia's husband? Is he dead from the wreck? Is he alive, still a mean drunk, and trying to track her down? Something else? Honorable mention HAS to go to Sidney Toler and Irene Franklin as a feuding couple that rough each other up so badly that they have to be brought to the hospital (in the same ambulance), stay for several weeks to heal, and then walk out together arm in arm as though nothing ever happened. Apparently the bill did not bother them. But in the days when your nurses mainly wash dishes and smoke, I guess hospitals could keep costs down some.

Stick around for Toler and Franklin and also for the spectacle of somebody using the death of a cop to get in a woman's pants - I'll let you watch and see what I mean. And also ponder the question - Is it murder to tell somebody whose private life you know more about than they do that a theoretical person - who happens to be just like them - would be better off and be doing the world a favor if he just jumped out of a high story window...when a high story window is nearby, and then you just leave them to their thoughts.

Worth a look for the novelty of it all.
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