A totally different but very interesting Hancock film.
16 July 2017
"The Punch and Judy Man" wasn't a success during its release in 1963. The box office takings were rather disappointing. I would say the reason for this, was due to the fact that this film was a rather a different one for comedian Tony Hancock. This isn't a typical comedy by any means, there are some dark and serious moments too. These result from the films plot about a seaside resort entertainer, who is resisting the attempts of his snotty wife in bettering himself by mixing with the local politicians and aristocracy. Tony Hancock is playing a different character in "The Punch and Judy Man." Unlike his Railway Cuttings persona, he isn't interested in improving his lot in life. He has this attitude because he feels that he should settle for what he's got. The opening scene shows the camera slowly moving along the seafront of Bognor, where the entire film was made. This first scene - accompanied by some slightly melancholic music - sets the tone for the whole film. The actual shooting was riddled with problems from day one. Hancock's marriage was nearing its conclusion and this was highlighted via the blazing arguments that occurred on the set with his wife. The leading lady of the film, Sylvia Sims, described how these confrontations created a tense atmosphere throughout. Hancock's drinking was becoming slightly out of control at this juncture, according to the scriptwriter Philip Oakes. One report stated that the comedian consumed about a crates worth of vodka during filming. "The Punch and Judy Man" proves that Tony Hancock was an actor as well as a comedian. He gives his character of Wally Pinner the seaside entertainer a lot of depth and shading. The dialogue is very good, as is the direction and the supporting cast. My late father and I enjoyed the scene in the Ice Cream parlour, very funny. The film finishes with Wally Pinner and his wife all the wiser after the dust has settled.
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