In every detail it is true, sweet and reverent
21 July 2017
A curious and exceptional miracle picture with, among others, two wonderfully beautiful scenes after famous paintings. The first of these is "The First Christmas," and the other is from the even more widely known "Behold I Stand at the Door and Knock." In its inner meaning and in every detail it is true, sweet and reverent and we are certain that it will please everyone whose opinion is worth while. It is a Christmas story beginning in Chicago, where a clubman dreams that he is a witness of the journey of the three wise men and of their adoration at the manger. Thomas Santschi is the clubman; Bessie Eyton. the Salvation Army lassie and also the Virgin. Fred W. Huntly plays in one scene a very faintly visioned Christ, and in another the one who stands at the door. W. Hutchinson, E. James and Frank Clark are the wise men. W. Seiter is Joseph. Frank ClOark plays as the devil. The camera work is of high order. - The Moving Picture World, February 22, 1913
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