Review of Vesper

Vesper (2017)
"Vesper": What were you doing when you were seventeen?
28 July 2017
"Vesper" is a nifty little oddball short about who killed whom among a lover's triangle and the not so sweet hereafter. It features performances from Götz Otto ("Schindler's List", "Tomorrow Never Dies") and Agnès Godey, a dead ringer for veteran actress Diane Ladd, Laura Dern's mom. The start to finish music bed is unsettling and ominous, and will be an especially familiar dramatic device for all fans of TV's "Law & Order".

But here's the coolest thing about it. Writer/Director/Co-Star Keyvan Sheikhalishahi is nineteen. He was eighteen when he made "Vesper". He was seventeen when he penned the script for it.

Kid's got a future in show biz.

When I was seventeen I washed one mean dish for "Steak 'n Shake", buddy.
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