Obvious and self-indulgent.
29 July 2017
horrid opening song' dead chickens and mice

"Even Dwarfs Started Small" is a heavy-handed allegory about freedom. Starting during the opening credits, Werner Herzog shows where the movie will go when he shows a chicken pecking at a dead chicken...and throughout the movie you see chickens playing with dead mice and other such nonsense/symbolism to give the audience an idea where the rest of the film is going. As for the main story, it's confusing and tough going. A bunch of tiny people have taken over some sort of sanitarium. And, through the course of the film it goes from fun and games to, ultimately, chaos and mayhem. All this is accompanied by the most god-awful music I've heard in ages (that ultra-high pitched singing might just induce violence) and the incessant creepy giggling of the actors. While many see this as a brilliant allegory, I just saw it as self-indulgent and annoying. And, watching these small people prancing about for what seemed like an eternity is not my idea of a good film.

By the way, I am NOT anti-Herzog. He's done some amazing films (particularly his documentaries)...but this one is, to me, a huge disappointment.
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