The Art of Repugnance
2 August 2017
An essential documentary for those who voted for "Trump" for no other reason than what they heard, saw and digested during the 2016 U.S. presidential election campaign.

This film outlines who usurped "Trump" the gold-plated toilet seat (aside from the Russian mobsters, that is!), in the now affectionately renamed "Shite House". The titular orchestrator of what may prove the final nail in the U.S. hegemonic coffin, Roger "Hatchetman" Stone; the reviled lawyer to New York's slimy underbelly, and "Trump's" surrogate father, Roy "Pitbull" Cohn; the aforementioned Colonel Sanders clone's cohort, Paul "Prozacface" Manafort; the snake oils shonk and lunatic method actor, turned "Trump's" ear to the 'X-Files' grind stone, Alex "Israel Did Nothing Wrong" Jones... A veritable cavalcade of cancerous crony capitalists and Mammon-worshipping, minions of money ― all conspiring to puppeteer the profligate whose stage name is now etched into the History's annuls, as the 45th canard-teller-in-chief of the 'Divided Failed $tate$ of Avarice'.

Of course, this piece mainly concerns Stone himself. However, those others mentioned, are done so for their integral, in-concert role they played in the rise of the broke pseudo billionaire in question, to within 4-minute dummy-spitting distance of initiating world wide, nuclear Armageddon.

For someone who is unfamiliar with this Stone's diabolical handiwork, it can be hard to discern which of his words―if any―are true. As a self-confessed and boastful pathological liar, one must filter every syllable Stone utters, through the proof-checking of those political pundits who have worked afoul of this fundamentally flawed man's fetid miasma for decades; and who serve as narrative links between Stone's unashamëd self-fellatio in this film. Notwithstanding, there is that which is indeed true and which Stone, suffice to say, revels wallowing in and vaunting about ― largely that which he perceives as his successes; such as, all but rigging U.S. politics―from Nixon to "Trump"―by way of misinformation, misdirection and emotional manipulation of the laymen, voting public.

In much the same way as Donald John "Trump" assumes a kind of embodiment of everything ever seen as being wrong or digestible about the United States, Stone is the political marionetteer equivalent of this manifestation. It is not only fitting that Stone ― having pushed for "Trump's" presidential run for so long ― finally helms (at least philosophically and notionally ― as he was officially "fired" as "Trump's" campaign manager) the rapacious roué's accession to the desecrated democracy's dunce stool; but the sequence of events surrounding this man's involvement, smack heavily of fate's interloping. The combination of the worst elements of the corrupted U.S. political system, having conspired with its literal escutcheon of excess, to now preside over the entire nation ― is mostly certainly the wettest of dreams for any budding, moral bottom-feeder of this dastardly troops' ilk.

Love or loathe Stone, one must to give it to the guy ― he sure knows how to play the U.S. political game. One might even argue that he is merely a byproduct of the society he resides, and simply does what he is hard-wired to in order to achieve his bent. This would be a sound argument to make ― to be sure... IF one had no scruples whatsoever!

Although liberals will hate learning of the feculent framework their society is wrought upon, this is a must-see documentary for all tribes, and neutrals alike.
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