My Tomato (1943)
A must-see for Benchley and Yule fans!
10 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A Robert Benchley Miniature, copyright 4 December 1943 by Loew's Inc. A Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer picture. U.S. release: 4 December 1943. 669 feet. 7 minutes.

SYNOPSIS: Mistakenly believing that tomatoes are rationed, Joe sets out to grow his own. After a great deal of effort — and contrary advice from tradesmen and neighbors — Joe succeeds after a fashion.

NOTES: The 44th of Benchley's 49 shorts — and his first back at his home base of M-G-M after a none-too-successful nine-entries stint at Paramount.

COMMENT: In my opinion, an entertaining, competently directed and well-produced short subject. I will admit, however, that it is far, far, far removed from M.G.M's typical Benchley short. And this is probably why the previous viewer gave this little movie such a bad review. I would certainly agree that if you were expecting a typical Benchley comedy, and you were served this particular movie in its place, you would most certainly be somewhat angry!

It didn't worry me at all, but some people will be annoyed and disappointed that some of Benchley's usual trade marks were missing from this M-G-M entry. For instance, there are no direct addresses to any audience, either an audience in the film or the audience watching the movie in a cinema.

In fact, "My Tomato" is served plain and straight. Fortunately, Benchley is a consummate comedian who can take this change of pace in style. And after all, as far as I'm concerned, it was not wholly unexpected. Benchley's role here is much more akin to the sort of role that he often plays in full-length feature films.

Ruth Lee, as usual, portrays the Benchley wife with her customary finesse, whilst Joe Yule has a nice scene as a know-it-all hardware retailer. He is photographed in profile and for once, as he speaks, we can see something in his face and features that reminds us of his super-famous son, Joe Yule, Jr. (Mickey Rooney to you). Just this little discovery alone makes "My Tomato" a must-see item.
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