"Just remember what Christopher Columbus always said...'The world's no square'!"
13 August 2017
Concert promoter and his partner believe the rock scene is kaput--but while driving through the mountain town of Alpine Peaks, they happen upon a crowded hall where all the dancers (young and old) are sandpapering the bottoms of their shoes...turns out it's in preparation for a local dance called the Twist. Once the promoter gets a load of those gyrating hips and slippery feet, he sees dollar signs; the next step is to head for New York City to spread the word on this craze, but unleashing a new dance on an unsuspecting public is met with some skepticism. Cheap, stilted attempt at tracing the Twist's origins, with corny dialogue and amateurish performances. Producer Sam Katzman lifted the plot (and much of the dialogue) from his 1956 hit "Rock Around the Clock", which was followed in 1957 by "Don't Knock the Rock"; this movie had a sequel of its own, "Don't Knock the Twist" in 1962. Why Katzman felt rock and roll was fading out and needed this boost is unclear, unless it was just a pretext for getting the plot in motion. Either way, it's a pretty lousy affair, even with performances by Chubby Checker and Dion. *1/2 from ****
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