I really, really, really wanted to love this movie
16 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
How to be a Latin Lover is about a brother and sister who grew up in humble surroundings. A tragedy happens that leaves them homeless. The sister believes in the father's mantra that working hard will get you what you want out of life. The brother takes a different road to reach his goals.....becoming a gigolo. It works for him until his elderly wife begins an affair with a younger man and dumps him unceremoniously on his butt. He's never had a real job or had to do anything on his own. He shows up on the doorstep of his estranged sister and she cautiously invites him in for one night - which turns into many months. Comedy and heartfelt moments ensue. I loved the trailer for this movie and watched it many times - laughing every time I saw it. Unfortunately, those were the best scenes in the movie and seeing it in all its two-hour running time, dampened the experience for me. It seemed to drag and by the 1:30 mark, I just wanted it to be over. I knew how it would end and I just wanted it to stop! It's not a bad film. Some of the scenes could have been edited better and made into a tighter, more interesting film. I liked it, but will not watch it again.
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