A lot of fun...but perhaps a bit over-long.
16 August 2017
Stéphane Aubier and Vincent Patar are genius animators from Belgium. Their genius was obvious with the amazing and touching feature, "Ernest and Celestine"...and it was so good it was nominated for the Oscar for Best Animated Feature. "Frozen" won the statuette...and is proof that in this case the Oscar folks were looking at ticket sales and not originality or quality...."Ernest and Celestine" was THAT good. I have also seen a super-weird short from the pair, "La Bûche de Noël"...a very strange and funny stop-motion picture that made me laugh. Well, it turns out the same characters from "La Bûche de Noël" also appeared in an earlier full-length film...one worth seeing, "A Town Called Panic".

Like the follow-up, "La Bûche de Noël", this one is stop-motion and features the same three characters...Indian, Cowboy and Horse. They all look like children's toys but unlike the plastic soldiers and cowboys of yesteryear, these ones bend and move about on their plastic bases. Cowboy and Indian are both complete idiots and Horse is the long-suffering friend whose life seems to revolve around getting them out of trouble...trouble they brought upon themselves! In this case, it all begins when Indian and Cowboy order 50 bricks online so they can build Horse a BBQ. But, because they are stupid, they end up ordering 50,000,000 bricks! What's next? Well, you wouldn't believe me if I told you!!

The film made me laugh and seemed a bit like a movie made by some very precocious children. However, the pacing was a bit of a problem...and because of that I actually prefer the follow-up short. Still, well worth seeing...especially if you want to see something very original.
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