What happened to Radcliffe?! Was there a coup or is this an alternate universe version of "Blondie"??!!
17 August 2017
I loved the Blondie and Dagwood so much that I bought a collection of all 28 films. However, I must say that the final three were HUGE disappointments...films that would have been best never to have been made in the first place. The films had terrible plots and seemed to indicate that the writers simply ran out of ideas. In "Beware of Blondie" the plot isn't just bad...this final movie in the series just makes no sense at all.

When the story begins, you hear that Dagwood is in charge of the office while Mr. Dithers is away on business! This is a huge problem since in an earlier film, Dithers sold the business to Mr. Radcliff. Now, with no explanation, Dithers is back in control but you only see a tiny bit of him late in the film...and it's NOT the same actor who played him in about half the Blondie films, though they cheaply tried to hide it by only showing the back of his head! Why say Dithers was the boss? Why use another actor? My bet is that this script was an old rejected once they dusted off...and they never even thought to change the name to Radcliffe! Regardless, it was confusing.

With Dithers(?) gone and Dagwood in charge, his main goal is to sign a new client, Toby Clifton (Adele Jurgens). However, she seems mostly interested in jumping Dagwood's bones...which means she's either insane, blind or has some crooked scheme up her pretty sleeves. In the meantime, folks begin talking about Dagwood hanging out with this pretty blonde! Naturally, the two-faced Ollie is doing his share of the gossip! So what's next? See the film...or not.

Had this episode been made a few years earlier, when Dithers was played by Jonathan Hale AND before the company was sold, it would have worked much better. Instead, it appears as if whoever wrote the script had a head injury, as it just made little sense. There also appears to be a lot of padding in this film as well...such as the incredibly long dream sequence near the end of the movie. Overall, not very good but at least it was better than the prior two simply awful films in the franchise.
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