Sodomites (1998)
I'm not exactly sure how I feel...
22 August 2017
...this one really played around with my emotions.

"Sodomites" is an early short film from the notoriously edgy and provocative filmmaker Gaspar Noé, the man behind many of today's most acclaimed, and controversial, art-house films. Before this seven minute sexuality extravaganza, I had not seen any of Gaspar Noé's other work, so I can't really compare this to anything else he's done, although I do understand that it is a common trait that his films feature explicit sexual imagery...and, boy, does this feature explicit sexual imagery! Here on IMDb, it's even listed as an "Adult" film, a genre only a VERY select group of films get categorized under, and I'm sure many people have accused this of being nothing but an artsy porno, but I can't say I agree with this. Perhaps it is "artsy" and some images are objectively "pornographic" but porn is supposed to arouse the viewer, that is its intention. I do not think "Sodomites" wants to arouse the viewer, it's much too...ugly and creepy and weird and experimental and comedic and horrifying for that. Sure, some people have odd fetishes, but this film's editing is too ditractingly disorienting and wild for one of these fetishists to enjoy it in purely sexual terms. I enjoyed the film not because it turned me on at all, but because it briefly transported me to an underground society of perversion, and did so in a unique and visually stunning way. It's more of a horror movie than it is a porno, and I appreciate it for that. And I'm impressed with Gaspar Noé's fearlessness when it coems to showing full on sexual content. There's no reason to censor your art, if your vision is as extreme as this, go ahead and do whatever is necessary to fulfill your vision! Also, potential viewers shouldn't worry too much about being grossed out by this one. It has some disgusting images, but not many at all. If you can handle an erect penis (and I don't necessarily mean PHYSICALLY handle, although that certainly helps), you can totally sit through all seven wacky (not sure if that word sounds right, but this is sort of a "wacky" film) minutes of this mildly disturbing, blackly humorous, scandalously explicit, and artistically ambitious experimental adults-only work of totally screwed up art!
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