Still $100.00 a day plus expenses
24 August 2017
During the course of a riot in Los Angeles with the police rather occupied an old time film star from the 50s and 60s is shot to death in her own driveway. The police arrest her two grown kids, Geoffrey Naufts and Shannon Kenny, for the crime. They've retained Joanna Cassidy who at one time was married to a well known private eye.

That would be Jim Rockford as James Garner reprises his role from his 70s television series The Rockford Files. They may not be married any more, but Cassidy doesn't doubt his professionalism. These two spoiled Hollywood brats can certainly afford the Rockford price of $100.00 a day plus expenses.

The kids are arrested and Joe Santos does the arresting, but later they offer as a defense the fact that their stepfather former ballplayer Joe Campanella sexually abused them while practicing Satanic rituals in his basement.

Jim Rockford was definitely one of the more cynical characters that television ever brought us. But even he has his heroes and he refuses to believe all American Joe Campanella could be into Satanism. Especially since he visited Campanella before Campanella makes an admission to it. Then it became on the house after Campanella was found hanging from his basement roof and the cops call it suicide.

Stuart Margolin as Angel Martin is back and though he's really not part of the plot every Rockford Files episode was a bit better when he was in it.

Garner and Cassidy also worked well together. Garner is a little older with a lot more belly to him. But still the same razor sharp cynical mind. It was a nice return.
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