Review of Reducing

Reducing (1952)
Tells only half the story
29 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This short film tells only half the story--how *not* to reduce. It shows plainly that dieting alone never works. Unless you address the source of the cravings, you'll still crave. When you crave, you cheat. It's that simple.

But good ol' Pete didn't tell *how* to beat the cravings. Maybe his advisers didn't know enough. But the jokes wear a little thin after awhile.

His "Let's Talk Turkey" short was a lot better. Even before he told all the jokes about "how not to carve a turkey," he called in an expert to show us how it's done. Not so here.

Just so you know: the secret is to start lifting a few weights--not the really heavy ones, but just enough to start building a little muscle. While you're doing that, you want to knock off the sweets but not the meat and (healthy) fats. A few good choices, and after a week or so, those cravings would have vanished. Then this could have been inspiring.

But Pete had a problem. Like everyone else, he assumed that once you got fat, you'd stay fat. To paraphrase George Gershwin, it ain't necessarily so.
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