Decent Zombie Flick With A Confusing Title
31 August 2017
I was confused from the very beginning - and I still am, a little bit. I notice that here the film is listed as "Navy Seals vs. Zombies." That makes perfect sense, because that title sums up the movie perfectly. I watched in on Netflix Canada though - and there it's listed as Navy Seals: The Battle For New Orleans." So I spent a lot of the 90 minutes wondering how New Orleans found its way into the title, since the whole movie is about a zombie outbreak in Baton Rouge - and as far as I can remember there wasn't a single reference to New Orleans in the entire movie. I notice that there are reviewers on various sites who say that this movie is about a zombie invasion of New Orleans. But it isn't. It's about a zombie outbreak in Baton Rouge. It's all very confusing. Did somebody somewhere (in coming up with that alternative title) not realize that New Orleans and Baton Rouge are not the same place?

The confusion around the title notwithstanding, I found this surprisingly enjoyable. It's a fairly simple and straightforward, low budget movie with a largely unknown cast. You expect little out of it - you get more than you expect. There was one chuckle in this. The cable news network that was reporting on the outbreak was called "ZNN." Yeah. Too cute. At first you're kind of set up to believe that the outbreak is a result of an enemy attack using some sort of biological weapon - "to bring a superpower to its knees" as one character says. But it turns out that the biological weapon seems to have been created in a US government lab and it accidentally got out. I wasn't entirely clear on whether you had to actually die to become a "zombie" or just be infected through a bite. It was made clear that you had to shoot the zombies in the head to do away with them.

Most of the movie is set in Baton Rouge (with a little bit at a Seals command centre in Virginia Beach) as a Navy Seals team enters the city and tries to evacuate (1) the Vice President, who's stranded in the city, and (2) scientists at the lab where the virus was created in the hopes that they might be able to make an antidote. Most of it is a pretty standard battle against the zombies. That's becoming a bit too routine, what with the zombie plague currently on the go on movies and television. But it's still a decent action flick, whose ending seems to be a bit of a tribute to US Navy Seals. If you're into the zombie genre, this is worth taking in. (6/10)
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