Another Telltale Classic
12 September 2017
So, I've never watched, nor read, Game of Thrones before. I've been meaning to and meaning to but I just can't seem to find the time to sit down and watch it, preferring to watch shows I'm familiar with, so I decided to download the free episode of the Telltale game when I spotted it when going through the Xbox Store.

Now, I love Telltale.

I downloaded their The Walking Dead games and The Wolf Among Us and almost instantly fell in love with the game play, the easy achievements, the way that it educates you on the subject of the game; (I'm a The Walking Dead fan, and the game showed me a lot about the universe that I didn't know before). I love the way you play; how it's like an interactive television show, in a way, I suppose, and that it lets you interact through the game without just mindlessly stabbing people or shooting them, or rage quitting when you can't beat that one damn boss.

It was honestly one of the best decisions of my gaming life.

The story was easy to follow even when you were jumping characters around (in the first chapter, without giving any spoilers – you play as Garad, Ethan and Mira). The characters look almost exactly like the actors who play them, which is great for people that have only seen adverts or one or two episodes - the actors even voice their own characters which I think is a wonderful thing.

The universe around you is fun to explore; in my opinion, it's well detailed; of course, I don't really know the universe the show and books are set in, having never seen nor read them. I understood the characters, who they were and who they were connected to. I did have some slight confusion when it came to Cersei discussing her family, but all was fixed with a quick character Google.

A solid 4.5/5 – the only issue I've found, is that sometimes it lags, so they'll be four lines ahead of what is being said, but they're still frozen on the guy that said something two minutes ago, however, that might be my Xbox, not the game itself.

I definitely recommend this game – especially if you're an achievement hunter because, honestly, to get all the achievements, all you have to do is play the game (that's another reason that I love Telltale's games).

Sure, it's a bit pricey, and I'm going to have to kiss goodbye to my paychecks after Christmas so I can buy season passes for all their games, but you can get the first chapter of the game for free and I highly recommend it, whether you are a fan of Game of Thrones or not; I definitely will be getting into the seasons and books after I complete the game.
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