See Jane Die
23 September 2017
A 4-actor film and religious plot has necessarily to communicate much and good to be acceptable. In this case we have a lot of confusion. It is very difficult to find God from the safety and protection of a religious community. God can be found in the difficulty, need and suffering, rarely taking part of a congregation whose way of life is living comfortably. Here we have 4 characters and 4 situations the first one, the superior that believe himself infallible and with right to humiliate. Second; the priest who apparently is normal and flexible but who punishes and make kneeling to one boy who is wrong in singing. Third:The smart protagonist who tries but does not find God and Fourth, the girl who gets tired of not finding something worthwhile in this life, sleeps in a coffin and its motto is "See Jane Die". (Possibly, she is the only one who has God closer). The film is sometimes lacking in rhythm and is only valid for those who endure movies with religious theme. Nothing new.
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