Wisdom of the Crowd (2017–2018)
Very Dangerous Concept
3 October 2017
This show displays a very dangerous concept. Very negative unintended consequences will happen. At least the writers acknowledge this at about 23:32 when a driver is attacked by a crowd based on very limited and incomplete information. If the concept for this show happens in real many innocent people will be attacked and seriously injured. Crowd "wisdom" is very easily turned into Mob Mentality where a few people with an agenda whips people into an emotional frenzy and sways them to commit acts they would never even consider as individuals. That's how, historically, there were so many lynchings in the past. Another potential issue is if the courts will even allow "evidence" gathered as shown in this show. Would that actually preclude any legitimate evidence being gathered and presented. This concept, if ever enacted in real life, could do much more harm than good in apprehending and prosecuting criminals. Very, very dangerous concept.
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