MediocreTortilla/Pasta Western co-produced by Spain/Italy in colorful scenarios and dealing with Canadian Mounted Police and Indian wars
5 October 2017
So-so Tortilla Western dealing with Canadian Mounted Police , being middlingly directed by Jose Luis Merino . This Gazpacho Western deals with Rojas Casacas or ¨Red Long Coats¨ from Mounted Police operating along the US/Canadian border . An explorer guide called David Kitosch (George Hilton) going to a new destination in a far Fort called ¨Fort Benson¨ . But he is incarcerated and coerced to carry out a dangerous mission to guide a convoy transporting valuable gold bars . David joins Major Zachary Backer (Piero Lulli) and his team (Enrique Avila , Ricardo Palacios) and all of them suffer hot pursuits , extreme risks , assaults , betrayals and unexpected Indian attacks . Along the way they find a group of damsels in distresses (Krista Nell , Veronica Lujan , Claudia Gravy) . Then , David disguised as a Canadian Mounted Police officer but things go awry .

This is effortless and below average story in Paella Western sub-genre style , thus the picture includes the Canadian theme similarly to ¨Unconquered¨ by Cecil B De Mille and ¨The Canadians¨ by Burt Kennedy . As the movie follows more the American models than Spaghetti Western wake . Other Spanish films about Canadian Mounted Police are ¨Mestizo¨ by Julio Buchs and "Revolt in Canada¨ by Amando De Ossorio and "Cavalry Charge" by Ramón Torrado ; concerning similar events , battles between Red Skins and Red Long Coats. As it results to be a familiar film , with no much violence , though there are many deaths . The picture contains an exciting and spectacular final battle , though badly paced , including hundreds of extras , when the regiment is besieged by Indians . However , nobody seems to be wearing any clothes more than a week old, and modern day police special pistols are used alongside of prop-ish looking firearms with little or no concern about authenticity . Characters use knives that are brand new, reflectively shiny and don't appear to be sharpened . Regularly played by George Hilton who overacts as a brave scout . Hilton starred a lot of Spaghetti/Chorizo Westerns as ¨I Due Figli Di Ringo¨, ¨Un poker Di Pistole¨, ¨The gold professionals¨, ¨Sartana¨ , "Professionals for a Massacre" and many others ; though also performed a great number of Giallos as ¨¨All the Colors of dark¨ , ¨perverse Mrs Ward¨ and ¨Scorpion tale¨ . Many other familiar faces from Chorizo/Spaghetti , there appears ordinary secondaries in Spanish/Italian Western such as Gustavo Rojo , Luis Barboo , Ricardo Diaz , Rafael Vaquero , Veronica Lujan , Claudia Gravy , and special mention to fatty Ricardo Palacios who plays the starring's partner , acting as comic relief . Colorful photography by Fausto Rossi , being necessary a right remastering , and filmed on location in Aldea Del Fresno , Colmenar Viejo , Las Rozas , Manzanares , Navacerrada , Madrid . Atmospheric and evocative musical score by usual Angelo Francesco Lavagnino . The movie was produced in enough budget by and Jose Frade/Atlantida productions that financed several Westerns during the 60s and early 70s such as ¨Cuatreros¨ , ¨Mestizo¨ , ¨Challenge of McKenna¨ , ¨The mercenary¨ , ¨Los Compañeros¨, ¨twenty dollars for seven¨ and ¨Saddle tramps¨ , among others.

The motion picture was professionally directed by Jose Luis Merino , though resulted to be average . He's a skill and successfully craftsman . Merino often uses same actors , such as Stelvio Rossi , Peter Lee Lawrence , George Hilton and Charles Quiney . He has written/directed numerous films of all kinds of genres such as Terror : Ivanna , The hanging woman ; Euro-spy : Colpo Sensazionale al Servicio Del Sifar ; Chorizo/Spaghetti Western : More Dollars for the MacGregors , Frontera Sur , Réquiem for the gringo , Gatling gun , Seven ride to death , ; Wartime : Last Panzer battle , Hell commandos , A Bullet for Rommel , When heroes die ; Musical : Europa Canta , Aquellos Tiempos Del Cuple , and his most successful films are the fresh and diverting adventures : Tarzan and King Salomon's mines , Robin Hood , Rebelion De Bucaneros , El Zorro knight of Justice , El Zorro De Monterrey , and Last adventure of Zorro
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