Review of Speechless

Speechless (2016–2019)
J.J. Is A Firework
12 October 2017
Prime Time T.V. shows coming out try to be funny and original. This T.V. show is both, and it shows us how awesome and normal a kid with disabilities can be!! My title is an allusion to Katy Perry's song Firework. You'll feel that same way about J.J.

So about this show being original, it helps us get to know a family and a teen with cerebral palsy. He can't walk, and gets around in a wheelchair. He also can't speak, but he's not deaf. He doesn't communicate with sign language, but he uses his head gear with a laser where he points to a board, and everybody around him always seems to immediately know what he's trying to say?

We have J.J.'s Mom, Maya. She speaks in a British accent, which alone makes the character more interesting. Maya loves J.J. so much, and will do anything for him. She and the family frequently can get away with things when they use having a disabled son as an excuse. But, Maya fights for everything to get her son involved in regular activities in school and feel as normal as the other kids, not just because he's disabled. She's also into giving J.J. anything he wants, even if she doesn't like it.

We have J.J.'s caretaker Kenneth. Kenneth is a big older black guy, who lives in his own apartment away from the Dimeo family, but he really feels like he's part of their family. He almost always is with them when we see the family together. Kenneth is a funny man, and feels like he is doing something with his life helping out J.J. We occasionally hear some of his backstory prior to helping J.J. and other things he does aside from assisting J.J.

We have the other characters: Dylan, Jimmie, and Ray. I don't find these characters as interesting. They don't get as much attention as J.J. does, but they are all very supportive of J.J. and would do anything for him. Ray is a dorky guy trying to fit in, and the voice of reason. Dylan is a tough girl that seems real smart in her responses. Jimmie seems a little whacko and doesn't take things seriously. He reminds me of the Dad in Modern Family.

We also have their house and big van. The house is an older house small, and not the nicest looking house. It's a mess and disorganized as this family mostly shows to be disorganized. We have the big van which holds a wheelchair and Maya can get away with speeding.

Anyway, this T.V. show is really funny and can get me laughing. This T.V. show brings prime-time into teaching how awesome and normal a kid with a disability can be. This isn't like Sesame Street having a character in the main cast not speak and use sign language. Or, this isn't like a discovery show you'll see on T.V. talking about kids with disabilities. This is prime-time, comedy. We see a whacko family and funny caretaker doing the best to live their lives and take care of a disabled family member. J.J. is a character we'll like. He really shows his personality, and the things he wants in life. Even though he can't speak or walk, he seems pretty normal aside from that. He isn't an annoying kid with disabilities that you won't like. For example, the only other acting role the actor that plays J.J. Micah Fowler has been in is a movie called Labor Day. For the brief scene he was in, he seemed to be portrayed like an annoying disabled kid. But, in this T.V. show he really is somebody we care for and who doesn't seem annoying. A Prime-Time show can show how inspiring a disabled kid can be through comedy, which makes it more entertaining than trying to teach the same lesson through a Discovery Show, or kids education show.

I'm so happy this T.V. show made it to a second season. I hope it lasts many more seasons. I'm sure it will inspire kids who are disabled through comedy!!
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