A rather chilling and enjoyable found-footage effort
15 October 2017
Celebrating their newfound marriage, a man and his wife move into a house where his obsession with documenting everything on video camera allows him to witness her slowly deteriorating state being in the house and eventually uncovers the deadly secret that puts their lives in jeopardy.

Overall, this was an incredibly enjoyable and thrilling effort. One of the strongest elements present here is the rather strong aesthetic style present throughout here which gives this a highly engaging look to the film. This one manages to readily capture the look and feel of the time-period, which is not only done in-camera with the way the film-stock manages to effectively mimic the type of home movies shot at that time but also manages to really evoke the setting with the decorations all throughout the area which helps give it a fine power here. Once the film moves into the hauntings, this one really picks up considerably. The types of attacks here are generally limited to only a few different types because of the format being filmed, but this does manage a few effective moments including a stellar sequence where a previously-experienced flock of birds that were flying over their house all suddenly drop dead out of the sky at once and the sight of the raining birds over their house and belongings outside the house is quite an effective visual and concept. Other great concepts, from the silence and general apathy she exhibits almost immediately to the eerie growling sounds of some unknown force moving throughout the house that they capture which adds to the thrilling atmosphere here. Even beyond the hauntings, the plot about their missing dog out in the woods, the series of scattered and burned video-tapes he finds or the way she would continually stand in one spot ignoring everything to laugh in the face of others around her also give this one a rather enjoyable presence that gets featured here and give this one the type of thrilling atmosphere that's really required of this one. This is all due to the film's rather strong and relentless pace here, giving up very little downtime and constantly building things along. This is a rather enjoyable tactic to see in this type of film where it gives this one a really fine feature here to lead into the truly dark finale where the spiritualism and the religious connections are played up even further into an action-packed finish with some chilling ideas involved. This one does have a few minor flaws to found here, most of which come in the form of the truly inactive characters here who don't really have much of a reason to be here. The film relies on a central four-piece of characters and none of them really do much throughout the film, letting things happen for the sake of moving the story along when in reality they're too passive. Had they done something to stop what's going on, it might've done even better but overall, that's really the main issue with this one.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Language, Violence and mild drug use.
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