One Of Hope's Better Outings
16 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Loosely based on the Booth Tarkington novel, the story is about how the King of Spain offers his daughter's hand in marriage to a noble in the King of France's court, and the French king accepts. Problem: a general in Spain hopes to sabotage this marriage and usurp the Spanish throne.

Hope is a bumbling royal barber who pursues an uninterested royal scullery maid, and his bumbling eventually gets both into serious trouble. The French noble who is due to go to Spain and marry the princess, however, rescues the barber with the idea of counteracting the plot against him, and the barber bumbles his way through that.

Hope makes his wisecracks and does physical comedy without being too silly. Costumes and settings are exquisite, though the sword fighting scenes are disappointing. Still very funny entertainment.
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