I hate this movie
25 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
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All the time I watched the movie on TV fragments and only recently (can a month ago) I have decided to look since the beginning and up to the end "at assessment" so to speak. and the movie should be told that still a hogwash.

we will begin with the fact that show us the certain red unpleasant insurer on a physiognomy who откудато has returned and has gone to insure the car to a mironov at once (it is unclear by the way Why to us further about him show. that even more questions have arisen?) and right there with the God's help defines that that thief. Yes, he for the first time sees the person. doesn't know at all from where he has a car, but draws a conclusion that he is a thief. and of course it is time to manage mob killings. yes the fascist the judge дредд is far more fair than this detochkin.

Further show as he with the accomplice hijack the car... and whom was that accomplice? why nobody catches him and about him further nothing is told? what for gang at this detochkin? how does he in general hire people in the sect of fighters?

Show as Mironov does to the aunt a margin on a foreign player. and what? so do everywhere and constantly. he doesn't force her to take this player violently? no. and her it isn't vital, can go and try to agree to other seller also as I arranged to him. in what then his crime? about what theft does the father-in-law constantly speak? and for what at the end of a mironov want to put? if on all this there are no answers, then why was in general to him to pay so much attention in the movie?

Further. pursuit. why the cop hasn't called the backup on the radio set? I understand that the first years the German tanks perfectly mowed clean t34 Izz of the fact that they had no radio sets and they acted isn't coordinated, but it was necessary to take out from this? for example the fact that the militia has to have radio sets. and if Detochkin delivers him so in the wood and has killed, then and all? end of investigation?

OK, all right. Court. for what reason the people in general support a detochkin? therefore чо he transferred money to orphanage? ever nobody robed these people чтоль? untamed all? though it will become easier for somebody if the person who has robbed him tells that he gave everything to orphans? Comparison of a detochkin with Robin a buzzing came across, but Robin stole from feudal lords who couldn't but peel the people, and деточкин robs the first comers because чтото it seems to him...

What morals at this movie? what sense? what message? if it seems to you that the person which you meet the thief and you want to achieve justice whether then check him the car you hijack?
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