30 October 2017
Imagine a Latin, less animated Bob Hoskins playing Dracula and you've got Paul Naschy in this film. Even one of the victims wishes he was a bit slimmer and taller!

Two dodgy guys are delivering a mysterious crate when one of them gets his throat ripped out and the other gets an axe to the face and fall down a flight of stairs over and over again while the credits roll. Funnily enough, the picture is cropped just enough so the credits read that this is an 'Anus' production.

A group of four women and one guy are crossing through Romania by carriage and as the guy is explaining about Dracula and what not the wheel falls off the carriage and a horses kicks the driver right in the head and kills him, which isn't the best form of criticism. Now this lot are stuck in the mountains with only a creepy sanatorium for shelter, and the only guy there is Paul Naschy! Well, him and the guy who got bit on the neck at the start - in vampire form.

Paul gives it the old 'you're all welcome to stay here' jive and makes excuses for why he's only around at night. One of the girls takes a fancy to him, but she a bit on the dirty side for Drac I mean Dr Wendel and he starts eyeing up the virginal one. We later get an explanation (from a narrator or Naschy, I'm not sure) that Drac needs a virgin to bleed onto the corpse of his daughter to bring her back to life and only true love etc etc zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Luckily this is a Spanish Vampire film and not a Hammer vampire film and things shortly get underway with the neck biting and the staking and naked boobs and the blood and the vampire chicks in nightgowns and more boobs and the slaughter of the villagers and even more boobs, so you've not got much time to get bored.

The ending as well was quite different to what I expected* and these films are rather short and sweet so don't try your patience. Naschy plays Dracula with a hint of regret and the only bit that confused me is that for a large part of the film it seemed Dracula was talking but also wasn't moving his lips. I look forward to seeing the next six hundred films Naschy made in the seventies.
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