The Punisher (1989)
The Punisher: So generic it hurts
8 November 2017
The 80's and 90's were great times for action movie fans, few of the titles that came out were any good but there were plenty of them to keep the masses entertained.

Dolph Lungren here stars as the first outing for Frankle Castle aka The Punisher but if you're expecting anything to do with the character at all you'll be disappointed.

Trademark skull? Origin story? Connections to the marvel universe? Nothing. In fact the movie is so generic it could have just been a standard action flick where they at the last minute decided would be the Punisher.

This truly is just yet another paint by number action flick, standard formula, Lungren is wooden as always and the movie has as much to do with the Punisher as creation theory has to do with science.

Just no.

The Good:

Couple of decent characters

The Bad:

So incredibly generic

Lungren is terrible

Simply not a Punisher film

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Being in a house that blows up will not even phase you, in fact you'll have a chance to pose for cameras

5 seconds of origin story is apparently sufficient

The actor sidekick should have had been the lead

In the Marvel universe they still acknowledge the existence of DC characters
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