White Wedding (1989)
'Noce Blanche'. I have to divorce you, from my life. You're really not worth rewatching.
16 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Don't get me wrong, Ephebophilia films like this, has always been a hard to watch. However, once in a while, some of them, really do shine such in the case like 1999's 'American-Beauty' or 1962's 'Lolita', as entertainment, due to their approach to black-comedy; while exploring the themes of romantic, paternal love, sexuality, beauty, materialism, self-liberation, and redemption. Unfortunately, this French movie is not one of those films; as it's mostly one dimensional in its humorless, dry and full of gloom tone with two very dreadful main characters; 47 year old, character, François Hainaut (Bruno Cremer) & 17 year old, Mathilde Tessier (Vanessa Paradis). Still, even when it tries to be blissful & romantic, with scenes of the lovers, rowing boats and making love on grassy hills in public. The film come off, as highly, cheesy, tiresome and clichés than a powerful message of the freedoms of ideal dream-like, 'White Wedding' love life, outside the reach of moral paternalism. Also, if the movie's goal was to show the dangers of forbidden love, like 2006's film 'Notes on a Scandal'. Then, it truly fails at that, with its semi laissez-faire approach of punishment in an ending; in which, the philosophy teacher still being able to teach, after being caught in the school ground having sex, even if the supposedly 'victim' was, over the age of consent. Now if the movie purpose was to be an erotic psychology thriller like 1987's 'Fatal Attraction'. Then, it likewise fails to work, as for the most part, so-called protagonist, seem alright with Tessier torment his caring wife, Catherine (Ludmila Mikaël), whom, doesn't deserve, any of this mistreatment. It's clear that the writing by Jean-Claude Brisseau just fails to be entertaining. The story was just mostly miserable. Also, it doesn't help that the film come across, as a self-inserting, sexism fantasy fanfic of a story, much like his later films, 2002's 'Secret Things' and 2006's 'The Exterminating Angels'. While, the film is not as graphic with its themes and nudity, as the other films. It's still egotistic & exploitation at its worse. Don't get me wrong, I get, somewhat, the film was trying to do with pessimistic cynical approach, between the May-December Relationship lovers, Nevertheless, Brisseau wrote the story, a little too vague, without digging deep enough to understanding the basics of female sexuality eroticism. Look, I get that, some women like Mathilde might indeed find Hainaut's power & sophistical knowledge, attraction, and maybe, they will manipulates him like a Femme fatale, in order to keep themselves, please, something similar to somebody diagnostic with disingenuous histrionic personality disorder. However, much of these ideas of stereotypical loose girl with daddy issues has already been so overplayed. The idea that these hysteria are caused by a lack of libidinal evolution, are also outdated and shameful. If anything, the movie feeds on the negative stereotype that the French people are full of stupid Erotomanics. Another thing, while, I do understand, the French culture being more quite open, when it comes to talking about sexuality & its taboos, compare to Americans. I doubt, they are that blasé with disturbing sexual acts. After all, in 2002, Brisseau was arrested on charges of sexual harassment after three women came forward accusing him of cajoling them into performing sexual acts on camera by promising them a film role. He was eventually found guilty, fined and given a suspended one-year prison sentence. So, it wouldn't surprise me that he once pull the same supposedly sleazy artistic stunt with then-15 year old actress, Vanessa Paradis, who was looking for her first film debut after her singing career launched with the song "Joe le taxi", a few years before. Regardless, on how shady, his practices of hiring actresses, were. His camera work with cinematographer, Romain Winding was still impressive. There were some beautiful shots, throughout the film, such in the case with the beaches of Dunkirk. Along with those shots, came, satisfactory music from composer, Jean Musy. I just wish, the score was just a little more memorable. Despite that, another thing that this foreign film has going for it, is the amazing acting from the main two performers. Both of them, do a good job, even if both of their characters are horrible people. Because of that, it's a lot better to watch this movie with English subtitles, than the awful English dubbing version. Overall: While, this movie is somewhat engaging. It really fails to live up to anything, else, than being mediocre, unpleasant and highly exploitation. For those reasons alone, Au revoir, 'Noce Blanche', I hope, never to meet you, again. I really can't recommended watching this movie. In short, there are better, more entertaining French films than this muck of a movie.
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