Garfield's Thanksgiving (1989 TV Short)
Judging by your weight, you are...Orson Welles.
26 November 2017
'Garfield's Thanksgiving' is overall a lesser holiday special for everybody's favourite cranky orange tabby, but it's still solidly entertaining, thanks to a number of good laughs and some subtlety when it comes to the sentiment. The characters are as engaging as they've ever been, with Garfield (voiced by the eternally amusing Lorenzo Music) an irascible hoot as always.

He starts Wednesday off in typical style, demanding that Jon (voice of Thom Huge) fix him a big breakfast. He's in a good mood until he realizes that today he has an appointment at the vets'. He doesn't look forward to it, but Jon does, of course, since he's so madly in love with the veterinarian, Liz (voice of Julie Payne). Liz finally relents and agrees on a date, so Jon invites her to Thanksgiving dinner. He's in danger of botching the whole thing, but gets some last minute help from an appropriate source. Garfield, meanwhile, must go on a diet (horrors!).

There are some hilarious sight gags (such as when characters are holding their breath), and the eleventh hour arrival / assistance of Grandma (voiced by Pat Carroll) ensures some real liveliness. She stole much of the show in "A Garfield Christmas", and does the same thing here. Jon is as hilariously awkward as he's ever been, and there's a great series of gags when he's modelling outfits for Garfield. He also threatens to send Liz to sleep when he stalls for time by regaling her with Thanksgiving history. Odie (voice of Gregg Berger) is as endearing as ever.

The best jokes revolve around the talking scale; they're more for adults than kids, who won't understand the references, but they are priceless.

Overall, a likable, pleasant special, worth watching for any Garfield fan.

Seven out of 10.
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