Notes from the Heart Healer (2012 TV Movie)
May contain spoiler ...... Confrontational, flawed and idealistic
30 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This story from the writing is in so many cases seriously flawed. There are numerous welfare programs to help people like her to survive before they fall to such a desperate situation, especially as she is willing to work. That she is not on time for her work is not really explained. Many people are irresponsible and don't accept consequences for their actions. Also chronic lateness is an unconscious act of hostility. Understandable but it also is self sabotage. Such things can happen but they do not explain this to us.

It is a tragic series of events and all the parents prove they never should have had children as they are unable to be there for the young ones and in fact do nothing but punish them for their unwise but not criminal actions. If you become a parent you are in it for the long haul. The philosophy of 18 and your on your own is sick quite frankly. Yes Zack and Violet were foolish to get pregnant especially in this era. It is not the 1950's where sexual ignorance reigned supreme in America thanks to religion. But Zack we are led to believe was intelligent and educated, not a bumpkin. He certainly could have found more options than the military, especially at a time when his country was happily making phony wars and getting young men killed for nothing.

Zack's father should NOT have been angry at Violet, not his concept of a deity but at his country's government who blithely sends their young men to die for the profit and wealth of a few.

While Payton's story is sad it does not justify her actions. She seems hard and selfish. Also her marriage is not healthy if she feels it necessary to lie to her husband who clearly is a kind, generous, loving and understanding man. She has serious issues, OK,


What is to me typically usamerican is how the authority and laws abuse and victimise the victims. There is no compassion, sympathy or empathy in that land. Certainly there is among some individuals.

But authority first they haul you off in handcuffs to increase the shame and humiliation. There is no distinction between real criminals and people who are in Crisis.

DON'T EVER CALL A HOTLINE if you are depressed. You will have the police at the door and they will leave you sitting for hours handcuffed to something until a police psychiatrist arrives. Usually someone who should themselves be in a mental hospital. Then you will be taken to some institution to determine whether you are suicidal or not. If you cannot talk your way out of it they will lock you up and drug you during 72 hours. If you DO talk your way out of it they will make you sign many forms without you understanding anything having detained you during at least 10 hours to the point of exhaustion.

And even after you have told them you have no money or health insurance they will send you a Bill for upwards of 1500 to 5000 dollars.

When you cannot pay they will then set the law and collection agencies on you worsening your situation. At which point some people actually are then driven to commit suicide which they would not have done had they never called the hot-line.

All because you were depressed, lonely and tired hoping for a friendly voice.

If you do ring a hot-line make sure the number is hidden or not traceable. It is a bullying nation who bullies the world and its own.

It all comes right as such films do but that is not real life, unfortunately.

The acting was OK. Well filmed. Supposed to be USA but actually is Canada with the beauty and harmony of the Canadian landscape
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