Riddles of the Sphinx (2008 TV Movie)
By any other name still smells as bad !
9 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This was in a large batch of DVDs I bought on eBay at a bargain-basement price. Its title was "Curse of the Pharaoh", but under whatever name it might be released, it will always be a real STINKER.

Low budget, yes. Lousy acting, yes. Flimsy story, yes. Surprisingly, however, it was not, unlike other stinky-pooh movies, shot is almost total darkness, so kudos to the producers on this point, for sure!

I suppose that for someone who is an over-the-top obsessive, crazed lover of anything Egyptian and curse-like, this flick may have some appeal, but anyone who is in the slightest way discerning, will be turned off within the first few minutes, by the appearance of a poor CG effort at a scary monster (a kind of pudgy, flying bear), and the silly pretty, smirking gal with twin big automatic pistols, banging away at it, while another character waves his arms frantically, runs around and yells appropriately. Oh dear, dear me. Laughable, really. What a start!

Not really a contender as a film for grown-ups, but a fairly good lesson in how NOT to make a movie. I give it a 2 because it is not shot in darkness, is in focus, and the music is not intrusive.
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