A Short but Beautiful Send Off to Final Fantasy XV
16 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
DISCLAIMER: The spoiler warning is mainly for events that take place in the main game. If you've finished it but not completed Episode Ignis, please still be on guard as some spoilers from this DLC are present throughout the review.

FFXV: Episode Ignis is by far the best DLC when it comes to its gameplay and story. Ignis is an absolute joy to finally control, and the elemental daggers he uses add an extra level of power and strategy to and already magnificent experience. The 3 types he posses are fire, which are suited for one-on-one combat, ice, which are best used in large groups of enemies, and lightning, which give Ignis speed rivaling that of Noctis' warp strike as well as allowing him to attack enemies from a distance and perfectly string together combos. These combos allow you to activate Total Clarity, which is a special move that varies depending on which dagger type you're using, playing to the individual strengths of each in a magnificent fashion. However, these daggers may partly be what removes a lot of difficulty from the DLC. During the course of my playthrough I only died once (because I didn't know where to go) , and only had to use a handful of potions and 1 Phoenix Down. Getting back to Ignis' arsenal, this DLC gave you the grappling hook at the beginning of its 1st Chapter, but hastily took it away for convenience sake during a section where you're running away from a boss that you can't reach because your grappling hook broke. It was a very fun item, and I wish I would've got to have more fun with it. On a more positive note, Ravus also makes for the best ally in a FFXV DLC. Cor wasn't able to help when you needed him in Gladio's DLC, and Aranea was kind of OP in Prompto's, but Ravus isn't going to do all of the work for you, but will cut down his share of the foes that you'll face with him. Although he's still defensive and puts on the tough guy act for a lot of the DLC, you see him at his most vulnerable while having to deal with the death of his sister following Episode Ignis' best battle. Above all, he becomes a person who you care about and feel bad for when you remember the grusome fate that he suffered in the main story. I may've given Episode Ignis a 10 if it weren't for its biggest and most noticeable flaw...its length. Even though it'll only set you back about $7, my complete playtime came in at only 1 hour! The war-torn city of Altissia, while beautiful, doesn't have much to offer other than a cool setting and an epic battlefield for the smooth combat. It's more open than the caves of Episode Gladiolus, but pales in comparison to the open world of Niffelheim featured in Episode Prompto. I would've adored spending more time in the glorious mess that is Altissia. This DLC emphasizes on the story and ties up most (if not all) loose ends and mysteries from the main game, and reveals more in a few amazing cut-scenes than Episode Gladiolus did in its entire playtime.

In conclusion: Episode Ignis is a beautiful and outstanding send off to one of the greatest games of all time. And despite a short playtime, every second was worth its small admission price. With that, I'm more than happy to award Final Fantasy XV: Episode Ignis with a score of 9.8
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