Entertaining Mix of Social Commentary and Great Action
16 January 2018
Johnny Firecloud (1975)

*** (out of 4)

Johnny Firecloud (Victor Mohica) is an Indian who returns home from the Vietnam War where he expects to live a good life. That isn't the case because the local town is full of racist trash and being led by a man named Colby (Ralph Meeker) who pretty much calls all the shots. After his family is attacked Johnny decides to seek vengeance against everyone.

JOHNNY FIRECLOUD comes from producer David F. Friedman and I must admit that I was really shocked at how much I liked it. The film certainly borrows from various "revenge" pictures out there but it pretty much does what any good film like this should do and that's make you care for the hero and hate the bad guys. There's no question that your blood will boil with each passing moment as this group of bad guys are really great.

What's so entertaining about this film is that director William Allen Castleman really nails the mood of this small town and I thought he created a believable atmosphere. The hatred in this small town just stinks so bad that you can sit in your living room and smell it. The director perfectly makes the rednecks people you can hate and you can't help but cheer when they finally go up against Johnny. As far as the Johnny character, he's just an all around good guy and someone you want to root for.

The film contains some pretty bloody violence at times including one guy who gets scalped! This bloody effect actually looks quite good in its gory details. There's also a rape sequence that doesn't show too much graphic material but it's shot so well that the impact is still there. Finally, both Mohica and Meeker are so great in their roles that you can't help but enjoy the film even more.

JOHNNY FIRECLOUD deals with a serious subject matter, for the most part, in a serious way but it also throws in some gory action for exploitation fans. It's certainly an enjoyable picture.
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