Warehouse 13 (2009–2014)
This is great fun with some interesting character development throughout the series
17 January 2018
Remember the end of the first Indiana Jones movie? The ark is in it's crate being wheeled down an isle stacked with similar crates. The camera slowly pans back to reveal a huge warehouse with, what one can only assume, are similar artifacts. That's the idea behind this show. There are artifacts out there that have become imbued with magical properties. The magic in a particular artifact usually has something to do with a person who owned is or created it. But for every up side that an artifact has, there is a down side. For instance, the sunglasses that made you invisible render you blind for twice as long as you were wearing them when you take them off. other side effects can be anything from drowning on dry land to spontaneous combustion and everything in between. Enter the Warehouse 13 agents, who are tasked with hunting down the artifacts as they pop up and bringing them back to the warehouse to be stored safely. That's it for starters. There's Artie, the grumpy guy in charge, Pete, the goofy secret service agent, who can kick some ass when he needs to, and Myka, another secrete service agent who is serious and smart, and always hilariously annoyed with Pete. It is SyFy, so there are some cheesy effects along the way, but the varied plots and characters introduced through the series are always interesting and there can be the occasional serious moment where characters connect. All in all, it's great fun from beginning to end
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