Catalina Caper
8 February 2018
With the possible exception of Merry Anders who did some films with known players and who had a television series based on How To Marry A Millionaire, I doubt you will know anybody else in the cast. That's good because I'm sure they wanted to stay anonymous.

Although this sounds like a science fiction title Raiders From Beneath The Sea is really a caper film about two guys, Ken Scott and Russ Bender, who decide to use their scuba diving skills to rob a bank in Catalina. Scott is married to Anders and went bankrupt in a bad business venture. Now he just basically lives off his wife's charity managing her apartment building.

His brother Garth Benton lives off the both of them and he horns in on the deal. So does small time crook Booth Colman complete with one lousy cornpone accent.

Not much to recommend it. The acting is terrible, the direction non-existent, the photography looks like it was shot with my father's old Belle&Howell home movie camera. The music soundtrack in which someone decided to blend bongo drums with an organ is off the wall.

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