Body, body....who's got the body?!
13 February 2018
PRC was a tiny studio that rented space at larger studios and made their films on a shoestring budget. Generally, when I see a film was made by PRC, I either avoid it or expect it to be, at best, a time-passer. Imagine my surprise when I found I not only liked "The Missing Corpse" but would highly recommend it. It's hard to believe...especially since there are no big name actors and the film is clearly a B-movie, clocking in at only 62 minutes in length!

Henry Kruger owns a newspaper and his greatest nemesis is a rival newspaper owner who takes delight in slandering Kruger. Because of this, Kruger has been known to threaten the guy if he didn't stop harassing him. Imagine Kruger's surprise, then, when he discovers the guy in his trunk...dead! Who did it and how is Kruger going to get rid of the body? Watch this clever film and find out for yourself.

As I said, I really liked this one. This was helped by having Frank Jenks in a supporting role. While few would remember his name, he was very adept at this sort of film and helped make it fun.
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