Review of Peppa Pig

Peppa Pig (2004– )
This show needs to be turned into bacon
17 February 2018
So, Peppa Pig, a cartoon I wanted to review for a long time, why? Because this show is the worst cartoon I´ve ever seen! Ok, ok, I´m sorry for that, let´s just talk about why is this show terrible.

The Characters: Oh jeez, the characters are just painfull, but let´s go through them by group, and what better way to start off with the narrarator. Usually in a kids show, a narrarator is used to help children understand what´s going on, thus giving an opportunity for them to learn. Peppa´s narrarator, on the other hand just keeps repeating everything that just happened in the show, as if the children watching the show are blind or just too dumb to get anything that´s going on. Now then, let´s talk about the babies, who are easily the worst characters in the show. Why? Because they cry for stupid stuff, sure, they´re babies, but, usually in a cartoon, the babies or any other character should cry when something really bad happens to them, that way, we feel sorry for these characters, the babies in Peppa Pig just cry for stupid stuff like ice cream, a kite, a dinossaur, to even a freaking rainbow and it just gets annoying. The kids are just a bunch of brain-dead rude people that don't know about things they should´ve known when comparing to their age, also, they just keep calling Daddy Pig fat and keep arguing with each other, but they´re fight is saved somehow because of Daddy Pig saying that they´re just friends and it´s solved, which confuses me a bit, given that there are better ways to prevent an argument from happening. Speaking of Daddy Pig, the adults are really mean and really stupid, for starters, they don´t know how to be responsible towards their children, since they let them get off scot-free for their terrible behavior, and, much like the kids, keep calling Daddy Pig fat, even though they are fat themselves, given that all of them have the same body proportion and design.

Speaking of which, the animation is incredibly lazy, the desings are just copy/pasted for each character, the backgrounds just consist of Microsoft Paint hills, clouds, grass, and puddles, and the character movements are stiff, with the only form of smooth movement coming from the lip movements.

The messages are really terrible in this, they just consist of: It´s okay to be rude to your parents because you won´t get in trouble, cry for everything because everyone around you will help you out, steal someone´s car and you don't get in trouble, it's okay to use the hands in soccer, because you´re the goalkeeper, now tell me, aren´t these lessons a horrible influence to your kids. Some of the lessons the show teaches can be downright dangerous, such as befriending harmful insects and arachnids, stick your hand on any surface like the ocean or a puddle of water, and even that all of the world's countries never had any conflict with each other (the latter of which is just a flat-out lie, if you know what I mean).

So that´s why I personally consider Peppa Pig the worst cartoon ever, now, if you do like this show then I respect your opinion, but for me, this is the worst show ever.
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