This is a bad relationship drama and it's a very slow one that has no pay off
6 March 2018
I just told you what this movie was to save anyone else watching this the time. By the movies description you might expect to see a suspense,thriller or even horror movie. Berlin Syndrome is none of those. I assure you the only person being tortured in this film is the viewer.

The movie goes along at a snails pace and the constant slow motion scenes with the violin music doesn't help. It just reminds me that I should of picked something better to watch.

The redeeming part of the movie is Theresa Palmer. The bad part of the movie are the annoying decisions her character makes. I won't say much since I want to keep this review spoiler free but the movie just doesn't do enough of anything.

Theresa Palmer's role is to play the dumbest woman in the world who for some reason cannot figure out how to escape an apartment or fend off her kidnapper when she pretty much is left at home alone days on end with nothing to do but think about escaping. I think any woman would of thrown a hot pot of boiling water on the kidnapper and made a run for it or maybe just hit him over the head with something heavy. There's scenes in the movie when you think that will happen because it should happen but it doesn't. This is a movie where you watch a character make dumb decision after dumb decision and all you can say to yourself is WHY!?!.

The Berlin Syndrome part or whatever she becomes dependent on her kidnapper if it's not obvious by the title and description but why is the question. He doesn't torture her enough to make her fear him and be compliant and he doesn't talk enough to brain wash her. The plot just seems to move along with little actually driving it.

He's interested in her I guess because she corrects his bad English? and she's interested in him because??? He's a foreign man and she's in a foreign land looking for an exciting experience?

I guess it's possible the way it went down in the movie she trusted him before knowing him but everything after that makes no sense. I won't even address the ending where another character decides to do everything but what a normal person would in that situation just for the sake of the dramatic plot.

I guess I should just leave it at that. If you're into slow love stories like the kind on Lifetime where the guy turns out to be a psycho or something than this is EXACTLY like those just with a bigger budget.

If you were a poor sap expecting to watch an exciting movie that's maybe well I dunno interesting this certainly is not that movie.
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