There's No Magic Here
11 March 2018
Pandora and the Magic Box (1965)

* (out of 4)

This early Joe Sarno picture gathers Aphrodite, King Minos, Theseus and various others and we get sketches dealing with a missing daughter and other goofieness.

As I go through the career of director Sarno you will stumble across some real gems that seems to be close to the director's heart. You'll also stumble into pictures that seemed to be made as a job. Then you've got something like this, which is something that makes me scratch my head. If you walked into this movie after the opening credits then I doubt you'd be able to guess that it was a Sarno picture.

Reading around it seems that some enjoy this film for what it is but I'm certainly not in that league. I personally thought the film was rather lousy and the attempts at comedy didn't work. If you're expecting any sort of sexuality or nudity then forget about that. The film seems to have been shot on a high school stage with various props and costumes being used. It has an ultra cheap feel and look to it and it just never really connected with me.
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