another love mixup with A. Sothern
13 March 2018
Stars Robert Young and Ann Sothern... and Franklin Pangborn as (uncredited) desk clerk, a role he played many times. Hank (Young) steals Eleanor away from her husband-to-be, and they run off together. Sadly, it looks like it isn't working out, so what's the backup plan? Along the way, we meet various, assorted relatives... "Mother", who is loud, close by, and annoying ( Cora Witherspoon, was the disapproving aunt in Bank Dick!) and Cousin William (Reginal Owen). Some fun banter, lots of bickering, but it all moves right along. The film code was in full force by now, so it's all pretty lightweight. although cousin William seems to make a couple gay references. Silly mixups. Who is married to whom ? and where was Gene Raymond? he was usually Sothern's antagonist in these love mixups! must have been busy that week. Was surprised at the lower rating... sure it's a bit inane, but it's all in good fun. Directed by the very prolific Richard Thorpe; Thorpe had directed two Elvis films -- Jailhouse Rock and Fun in Acapulco, amongst hundreds of others. Predictable but fun.
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