Review of Witch-Hunt

Witch-Hunt (2017)
Surprisingly Good / Interesting Low Budget Thriller
22 March 2018
Aight... this movie looks like it was done on a budget of like a couple thousand bucks... with that said, I was pleasantly surprised and actually enjoyed it...


I actually thought the camera work, acting, audio, and script were all actually above par and borderline quite good in some scenes... And while the movie starts off a little slow, the level of suspense picks up pretty quickly... not to mention the fact that the movie hints at all sorts of things, but doesn't give too much away... so again, the suspense / tension is certainly on point by the end of the flick...

I liked the way they hashed out backgrounds for all the characters... and broke the movie up into segments... not unlike a Tarantino film... ( like act 1 this girl / act 2 this girl / etc... )... Beyond that, I actually felt like most of the characters were pretty believable... 5 girls, having a little party, guzzling some wine... The conversations actually seemed very plausible...

The low budget does show in a couple areas... First off, you'll notice that the whole movie is basically shot in somebodies living room... Second, there are practically no special effects... so don't expect any kind of gore fest or flying witches or anything... But I don't think the movie suffered from being mostly dialogue / acting...

They still managed to get in some moderate scares... and a couple "oh, wow, I wasn't expecting that" from me...

So... is it really 7 star? probably not... But I'm giving a bonus point or two for taking a pretty simplistic premise and low budget and being able to ramp up the suspense / tension to better than a lot of other flicks out there...

All in all, this is what I would consider a really well done low budget thriller / borderline horror...
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