The Year's Program
27 March 2018
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer long offered long trailers to hawk its forthcoming season of movies. After all, besides producing them, it was also a major distributor. Even in the days when the same company controlled production, distribution and the Loews theater chain, there were many other theaters the movies would play in.

This one advertises the slate of movies that MGM wa distributing as new for the 1963-1964 season. Looking back more than half a century later, we can see a mix of tired misfires A GLOBAL AFFAIR, a Bob Hope vehicle, George Pal's ambitious but old-fashoned 7 FACES OF DOCTOR LAO and the third? fourth? version of OF HUMAN BONDAGE, as wlel as a few decent programmer and a couple of good movies, However, the day when MGM had dominated and the movies had dominated entertainment were over, and this short reeks of desperation -- even when they're flogging Elvis and Ann Margaet in VIVA LAS VEGAS.
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