A battle that is even more dead than the zombies
16 April 2018
'Navy Seals vs. Zombies' was a film oddly enough where part of me wanted it to be a guilty pleasure at least. The idea was a pretty decent one and the title sparked some intrigue. So did not want 'Navy Seals vs. Zombies' to be bad or watched it trying hard to dislike or be prejudicial towards it, would never do that to a film as it is an unfair way to do so.

Unfortunately, 'Navy Seals vs. Zombies' is yet another film where a decent idea is completely squandered by really lame execution. Very little works or is good, although not a film with no redeeming qualities and that it doesn't feel as much of a rip off as other films seen is a point in its favour. There are far worse films overall and of the genre granted, but it is always really hard not to be annoyed when potential is not lived up to.

The scenery and music are serviceable, more so than most low-budget films seen recently. Ed Quinn also does his best to keep things afloat and interesting and is above average as a lead.

It is sad though that the rest of the acting is very bad. Even amateurish, with a mix of looking constipated, bad overacting, having the inability of acting scared or fearful of their situation and just acting emotionless. None of their characters are likable, they have cardboard personalities- once you get over the fact that there is literally every cliché in the book- and are severely undeveloped, with a mix of dull as dishwater and cartoonish.

Although films like 'Navy Seals vs. Zombies' are not to be seen for technical refinement, the technical values are Z-grade budget. The editing is atrocious, some of the most confused and shoddiest ever seen, as are even more the ridiculous (to the point of unintentional comedy) look of the seals.

Dialogue is just painful, the interplay is awkward and the actors look even more uncomfortable delivering it while the scripting itself is shallow, on the wrong side of camp and rambling and if you're looking for sense you won't find it. The story is erratically paced and dumb, with a good deal of dullness and with rushed action, the conflict is dull to deadening effect and is silly. The direction never rises above lame.

Overall, weak. 3/10 Bethany Cox
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