Does This Exist?
25 April 2018
Being one of millions of fans of the offbeat director, Paul Morrissey, I'm sure I'm not the only one who wants to know where, or even what, "News From Nowhere" is. Research turns up nothing, not one clip, not one movie still, not one review etc.. I have to wonder if this is even a real movie, and not a made up movie myth. Paul Morrissey made some of the best "arthouse" films when he was associated with Andy Warhol, and when he dropped that partnership, he continued to make some of the most eclectic and wonderful films throughout the 70's and 80's. Amazingly, many of them are not available commercially, but being such a fan of his work, i have managed to get my hands on his rarest titles. "Forty Deuce" is an incredible New York movie, capturing the grit and sleaze of the Port Authority drug/prostitution scene, and also the first role of Kevin Bacon, one of the biggest names from the 80's. And "Spike of Bensonhurst" is a fun movie, filled with big names like Ernest Borgnine, Sylvia Miles, action star Sacha Mitchell, and cult 80's heartthrob Rodney Harvey, along with Morrissey's unique Un-PC brand of humor. Both of these titles are unavailable. "Mixed Blood" however, is available, and it is my personal favorite, as well as the best documentation of New York City's "Alphabet City" ever committed to film. and now "News From Nowhere," another unattainable film from Paul Morrissey. Let's hope that this one finds it's way to the public!
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